Dieter-Renz-Sporthalle in Bottrop
©Öffentlichkeitsarbeit der Stadt Bottrop

Closing efficiency gaps in buildings and districts
How Local Authorities and Cities Can Reduce Costs and CO2 Emissions

In some schools, the heating runs at full blast even during the holidays. These and similar incorrect settings on heating systems in public buildings can be avoided with smart metering systems. Researchers have tested how in 25 buildings in Bottrop.

Overview of the SDE21/22 competition area
©Steinprinz, Bergische Universität Wuppertal

Book published on international building energy competition
Solar Decathlon Europe provides insights for research and teaching

Around 115,000 people visited the Solar Decathlon Europe competition in Wuppertal in summer 2022. International student teams have presented concepts for climate-friendly buildings in urban environments. Many findings can now be further used in research and practice.

Here you can see ten covered PVT collectors, each with an area of 1.7 square meters, on an apartment building in Salzgitter-Hallendorf, Lower Saxony.
©Solvis Gmbh

PVT collectors combined with heat pumps
Generating Electricity and Heat More Efficiently with Solar Energy

Photovoltaic thermal systems can generate electricity and heat with solar energy. Funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, researchers have optimised this system in three ways.

Here you can see a partial segment of the test track encased in a mudguard on which the newly developed tube liners were tested.

Hose Liner Inserted into Pipe System
Rehabilitation of District Heating Pipes Simplified

In the future, households are to be increasingly supplied with district heating, according to the federal government's wish. For this to be possible in the long term, heat pipes must be maintained. A team in the "FW-Liner" project has investigated how these can be renovated in a resource-saving way.

In a Living Lab for the Energy Transition in Jena, experts will demonstrate how energy producers, storage systems, and consumers can be intelligently linked in future.
©DZiegler –

“JenErgieReal” Living Lab for the Energy Transition
Integrated Energy Supply for Cities

Ensuring a sustainable supply of electricity and heat in cities requires an overarching view of all energy-producing and -consuming sectors. In selected districts in Jena, experts will demonstrate how energy producers, storage systems, and consumers can be intelligently linked.

Hamburg energy plant Geothermal drilling rig
©Hamburger Energiewerke

Living Lab for the Energy Transition IW3
Supplying the Neighbourhood with Sustainable Heat

A successful heating transition can make a significant contribution to the success of the energy transition. In the Hamburg district of Wilhelmsburg, this is now being demonstrated with the real-world laboratory of the energy transition, Integrierte WärmeWende Wilhelmsburg, or IW³ for short.

A worker sits in front of a computer and checks measured values with a tablet in his hand.
©dusanpetkovic1 -

From building technology to production
Modular Solution Helps SMEs Save Energy

Getting started in energy management is difficult for many small and medium-sized enterprises. High investment costs and a lack of expertise inhibit implementation. A research team wants to change that and is developing a modular and thus cost-effective approach tailored to SMEs.

An energy-efficient new development district that will serve the grid is being built in Gießen. The image shows the delivery of the battery storage system.
© Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen

Connecting to municipal utilities’ energy supply
Hybrid Storage System Supplies District with Heat and Electricity

Where military exercises used to take place, an energy-efficient, grid-serving new development district is being built in Giessen. The centerpiece of the district will be a newly developed hybrid storage system that can store heat up to 1200° Celsius and feed it back into the grid.

How can_ greenhouse gas emissions in the life cycle of a building be measured in a meaningful way and thus be limited? The “KEA-Bauwerk” project addresses this issue.
©Ngampol -

From the manufacture of building products to dismantling
Making the Full Life Cycle of Buildings Climate-Smarter

Grey emissions can be measured and limited more effectively: researchers in the KEA-Bauwerk project are developing basic principles and tools to reduce energy consumption and CO2 emissions in the life cycle of buildings. They are identifying practical data and benchmarks, for example.

The Wilhelmsburg community center in Hamburg can be seen next to a lake. Here, the researchers tested their concept in practice.
©Philipp Janßen - HAW Hamburg

More Flexible and Efficient
Combining Building Control Systems and Heating Networks Through Smart Networking

German and Finnish researchers have investigated ways in which heating networks can benefit from intelligent building technology. Thanks to simulations and a project, they have shown that intelligent heat consumers on the user side can have a positive impact on the entire network.

Residential complex in the Lilienstraße Nord estate in Munich-Haidhausen
© Gyuszko/iStock/thinkstock

A blueprint for energy-efficient housing renovation
Residential Complex Aims for Net-Zero Energy Supply

Built in 1955 in the Au-Haidhausen district of Munich, a residential complex comprising four 3- or 5-storey buildings with basements and an unconverted attic was in need of refurbishment. The 149 existing apartments with either two, three, or four rooms ranged between 40 m² and 65 m² in size.

Experimental system for operating a heat pump with low-temperature heat from near-surface ground heat and solar hybrid collectors.
© ISFH, Institut für Solarenergieforschung, Emmerthal

Heat pump systems
Geothermal and solar collectors complement each other as heat sources

Geothermal collectors and solar collectors can be combined as bivalent heat sources for heat pumps. This promises some advantages. In this research project the system behavior was examined in more detail.
