The Billing Building, a Kunsthalle Mannheim building dating from 1907, was completely renovated. The various measures are intended to reduce energy costs by 25%.
© Fraunhofer IBP

Utilising daylight
General refurbishment of the Kunsthalle Mannheim

Museums are mostly monumental public buildings with architecturally ornate facades that are also very durable. They are often listed as historic monuments, which presents considerable hurdles for those carrying out refurbishment.

Interior view of the entrance area
© Leuphana

Climate-neutral campus
The climate-neutral campus relies on renewable energies and seasonal heat storage

The “Climate-neutral campus Leuphana University Lüneburg” project is developing a sustainable energy concept for the university itself and the adjacent urban district of Bockelsberg. The aim is to supply all the electricity and heat using renewable energies...

Using generated electricity in the neighbourhood: The aerial view shows the construction phases of the Ludmilla residential park.
© Ludmilla Wohnbau GmbH

Energy-plus housing estate
Utilising decentralised electricity in the district

The energy-plus “Ludmilla-Wohnpark Landshut” housing estate was built on an industrial brownfield site. Close monitoring and the subsequent optimisation of the building operation significantly reduced the energy consumption.

An example of a district heating pipeline in the city.
© focus finder -

Solar thermal energy
Decentralised supply to local and district heating networks based on solar thermal energy

The multifunctional use of district heating networks could already provide an important step towards achieving low-emission heating supplies in the medium term. In a research project, AGFW, Solites and the Technical University of Dresden have investigated the technical impacts caused by...

Example of a zero-energy house in timber construction.
© Hannes Tietz -

Sustainable construction
Passive house primary school with timber construction

The two-storey St. Franziskus primary school in Halle is almost entirely timber-built and meets the passive house standard. With the energy-optimised building concept, the school authorities wanted to ensure a high level of learning comfort with manageable operating costs.

The new Gerhard Grafe Sports Hall in Dresden-Weixdorf. View of the entrance area from the north-west.
© TU Dresden

Energy-optimised sports hall
Sports hall built using passive house construction methods with sophisticated energy concept

It was intended that the new two-field sports hall in Dresden-Weixdorf should cause the lowest possible operating costs. In spite of the large building volume, it was planned to have a heating demand less than 20 kWh/m² p.a. and a primary energy requirement that was about 50 % lower than...

This former bunker serves as an energy storage facility.
Bild: Hamburg Energie

Integrated household heating transition in Wilhelmsburg
Sustainable Heating Supply for Urban Districts

A successful heat transition can make a significant contribution to the success of the energy transition. Using the example of the Hamburg district of Wilhelmsburg, a rapidly growing urban neighbourhood, this is now being demonstrated with the real laboratory of the energy transition IW³.

The PlusEnergy building is heated with wood pellets, among other things.
© BMWi/Holger Vonderlind

Building refurbishment
Derelict factory building transformed into energy-plus building

A company from the solar power industry has refurbished a derelict factory building – and with such thoroughness that it has now been transformed into a multifunctional energy-plus building. The developer is now using the building in Hanover as an office building with production and storage areas.

Example of energy-plus child day care centre.
© Hannes Tietz -

Integrally designed
Energy innovations in energy-plus child day care centre

The “Noah’s Ark” is a children’s day care centre that has an exemplary design not just in architectural and building ecology terms but also in regards to the structural technology and energy use. Two groundwater heat pumps are matched with a thermal solar power system.

Symbol image radiator
© pixelkorn -

Heating systems
High-efficiency, decentralised heating pumps instead of thermostatic valves

Central heating normally requires a central circulation pump. The fact that this does not have to be the case has been shown by a pump manufacturer with extremely small and very quiet pumps. The high-efficiency pumps require on average just one watt of energy and can supply radiators individually...

The capillary tube mats are applied to the outside of the facade as a surface heating system. In the picture, the adhesive mortar is being smoothed for the light plaster.
© IZES gGmbH

Refurbishment with low-exergy concept
Building refurbishment with exterior wall heating

For this fundamentally new heating concept, a minimally invasive refurbishment system is combined with the low-exergy heating principle. Here, a surface heating system is applied to the outside of the facade during the refurbishment of the building.

An example of an innovative office building.
© Mike Mareen -

Data centre as a heat source
Office building as a laboratory for sustainable construction

The “Z3” office building for the Ed. Züblin AG company utilises innovative concepts for the building structure and building services technology. The compact building almost entirely produces its own energy, for example using solar power and by utilising waste heat.
