Energy Transition Construction Research Network
Transparency and participation are also goals of the Federal Government in the 7th Energy Research Program. To this end, the energy research networks are an important instrument of the energy research policy of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWi).
The Energiewendebauen research network was founded in Berlin in October 2014. It brings together experts from research and industry on the topic of buildings and neighborhoods and strengthens their exchange of experience in transparent, open structures. The stakeholders represented in the research network include university research institutions, planning and architectural offices, manufacturers and trade associations. A separate advisory board ensures a regular exchange with the technical advisors of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWi). In addition to promoting research and development, the focus is also on working on suitable framework conditions for faster transfer of results into practice.
The research network is a measure of the National Action Plan on Energy Efficiency (NAPE) and offers a forum for representatives from industry and science as well as important multipliers with the aim of intensifying the exchange at the interfaces between research, practice and politics.
Important research policy topics and funding strategies are discussed with network participants in this context. The development of novel funding instruments for a better transfer into building practice is also discussed in the research network. The network consists of numerous working groups (WG), each with a group leader as a technical contact person. The WGs provide a space for the participants to develop joint ideas in the medium and long term and to implement them with the organizational support of the research network.
More information can be found on the pages of the Research Network Energy.