Energy-Optimized Neighbourhoods: SmartQuart Shows How it’s Done

Whether in the city or the country, new or existing buildings: the SmartQuart living lab for the energy transition shows that diverse neighbourhoods can be supplied with climate-friendly energy. The energy supply system was recently officially put into operation in the new development in Bedburg.

© SLP Architektur AG – stock.adobe.com

Customizing Systems for Renewable Heat Supply

Researchers have analysed the heat consumption of 797 companies in Germany. The findings will make it easier for companies to plan their heat supply with fluctuating producers such as solar thermal energy and with heat pumps in the future.



Large-scale heat pump at the EnBW power plant in Stuttgart-Münster
© EnBW / Fotograf ARTIS-Uli Deck

Important milestones reached in the living lab for the energy transition
Save CO2 with Large-Scale Heat Pumps

Large-scale heat pumps are being installed at no less than five power plant sites in the "GWP" real laboratory of the energy transition.

District heating networks
© Ronald Rampsch - stock.adobe.com

Digitalisation: More Renewable Energy in District Heating Systems

A recently published guide and a video show how digitalisation can optimise district heating and cooling systems.

Big city with a digital connection
©ekaphon - stock.adobe.com

English Translation of Compendium Published
Lighthouse Projects Showcase Climate-friendly Solutions for Neighbourhoods of Smart Cities

The new book "Innovations and challenges of the energy transition in smart city districts" presents six climate-friendly lighthouse projects.


Research Projects

Living Lab for the Energy Transition IW3
Supplying the Neighbourhood with Sustainable Heat

©Hamburger Energiewerke

While a large proportion of electricity in Germany (around 50 %) is already generated from renewable energy, the heating and cooling supply is still largely based on fossil energy carriers. Successfully transforming the heating sector may prove a key contributor to transforming the energy sector.

Dieter-Renz-Sporthalle in Bottrop
©Öffentlichkeitsarbeit der Stadt Bottrop

Closing efficiency gaps in buildings and districts
How Local Authorities and Cities Can Reduce Costs and CO2 Emissions

Incorrect settings on heating systems can be avoided with smart metering systems. Researchers have tested how on 25 buildings in Bottrop.

Here you can see a partial segment of the test track encased in a mudguard on which the newly developed tube liners were tested.

Hose Liner Inserted into Pipe System
Rehabilitation of District Heating Pipes Simplified

A team in the "FW-Liner" project has investigated how district heating pipelines can be renovated in a resource-saving way.

In a Living Lab for the Energy Transition in Jena, experts will demonstrate how energy producers, storage systems, and consumers can be intelligently linked in future.
©DZiegler – stock.adobem.com

“JenErgieReal” Living Lab for the Energy Transition
Integrated Energy Supply for Cities

In selected districts in Jena, experts will demonstrate how energy producers, storage systems, and consumers can be intelligently linked.


Research Topics