District heating networks
© Ronald Rampsch - stock.adobe.com

Digitalisation: More Renewable Energy in District Heating Systems

A recently published guide and a video show how digitalisation can optimise district heating and cooling systems. In a project organised by the International Energy Agency, researchers from eleven countries have developed corresponding solutions.

According to the University of Kassel, cooling units, such as the free cooler shown here, will probably be the most common source of waste heat for heat pumps in industry in the coming years.
© SLP Architektur AG – stock.adobe.com

Industry and Services
Customizing Systems for Renewable Heat Supply

Researchers have analysed the heat consumption of 797 companies in Germany. The findings will make it easier for companies to plan their heat supply with fluctuating producers such as solar thermal energy and with heat pumps in the future.

Big city with a digital connection
©ekaphon - stock.adobe.com

English Translation of Compendium Published
Lighthouse Projects Showcase Climate-friendly Solutions for Neighbourhoods of Smart Cities

The new book "Innovations and challenges of the energy transition in smart city districts" presents six lighthouse projects that have advanced the energy transition in cities. It combines practical and scientific findings for further climate-friendly districts.

Group photo of the energy storage TCP delegates at Vattenfall in Berlin Reuter West

96th ExCo Meeting IEA Energy Storage TCP
Economic Efficiency and Integration of Energy Storage Systems are Topics at an International Level

Powerful storage systems make it possible to use heat and electricity flexibly over time. The Energy Storage Technology Collaboration Program brings together these technology developments at an international level. Delegates from around 20 partner countries recently met in Berlin.

The large power plant in Mannheim is located directly on the Rhine. The storage facility in the foreground has a storage capacity of 1,500 megawatt hours.
Image source: MVV Pressebild

Living Lab for the energy transition GWP
River Heat Pump in Mannheim Supplies Climate-Friendly Heat

A large heat pump at the Mannheim power plant (GKM) is now supplying around 3,500 households with heat, which is also obtained from the Rhine water. The 20-megawatt plant is currently the largest heat pump integrated into a district heating network in Germany.

Based, among other things, on the European Green Deal and with a view to the commitments under the Paris Climate Agreement, the EU wants to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions (symbol image).
©Blue Planet Studio – stock.adobe.com

Apply for funding now
Second Funding Call of the CET Partnership Published

The Clean Energy Transition Partnership (CETP) has published the new Joint Call 2023. Funding is available for projects that develop innovative technologies and system solutions that contribute to Europe becoming the first climate-neutral continent by 2050.

SmartQuart in realisation: The energy-efficient new-build quarter in Bedburg can be seen here.

Living Lab for the Energy Transition
Energy-Optimized Neighbourhoods: SmartQuart Shows How it’s Done

Whether urban or rural, new or existing buildings: the SmartQuart energy transition real-world laboratory shows that different neighbourhoods can be supplied with climate-friendly energy. The project partners have now presented interim results.

Symbolbild Umfrage
© shock - stock.adobe.com

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Survey on Obstacles to District Heating Expansion

With an international survey as part of a study, researchers want to determine which hurdles obstruct the expansion of district heating in Europe and worldwide.

Two laterally deflected boreholes were drilled into the geothermal reservoir, a 130-metre-thick and 45-million-year-old sandstone layer. The drilling rig is about 40 metres high. (Photographs from 2022)
©Hamburger Energiewerke

IW3: Successful Pumping Tests in Geothermal Project
Geothermal Energy to Supply over 6,000 Hamburg Households with Heat in Future

Households in Hamburg's Wilhelmsburg district are to be supplied with climate-friendly heat from a new geothermal plant from spring 2025. The Hamburg geothermal project is part of the IW3 (Integrated Heat Transition Wilhelmsburg) energy transition real-world laboratory.

District heating pipelines with power grids in the background
©Zsolt Biczó – stock.adobe.com

Detailed Guide to District Heating and Cooling in Integrated Energy Systems

Under the umbrella of the International Energy Agency's Technology Cooperation Programme for District Heating and Cooling (IEA DHC), experts have looked at the future of hybrid energy networks. In the guide published at the end of the project, they make concrete recommendations.

Large-scale heat pump at the EnBW power plant in Stuttgart-Münster
© EnBW / Fotograf ARTIS-Uli Deck

Important milestones reached in the living lab for the energy transition
Save CO2 with Large-Scale Heat Pumps

In the supply of district heating, the integration of large-scale heat pumps can reduce CO2 emissions. The living lab for the energy transition “GWP” is showing how this is possible at five differently structured power plant sites. The operation of such a plant has been started in Stuttgart-Münster.

The potential of shallow geothermal energy for Germany’s heat supply is to be utilized more effectively. To achieve this, a nationwide standardized database is to be created in the WärmeGut project.
©Andy Ilmberger - stock.adobe.com

Launch of WärmeGut Project
Geological Information for Transforming the Heating Sector

Ground-source heat pumps are a promising option for achieving a net-zero heating supply. However, information on suitable locations for these geothermal heating systems has not been centrally available. In the WärmeGut project scientists are now developing a nationwide standardized database.
